Paediatric Ophthalmology


Children’s super specialized OPD & Myopia Control Clinic

“Save children’s eyes”

“STOP Myopia”

Many eye diseases in children go undetected leading to partial/complete blindness. Eye development happens majorly till the age of 7 – 10 years and eye growth stops around 18 years of age. Hence if an eye disease in not detected before tis age (especially before 7 years of age) there will be a permanent partial/complete blindness. Many times, this is also called “Lazy eye”. A comprehensive eye check up is recommended every year to detect these diseases.

Routine eye check-up: Recommended once in 6 months

Step 1: Vision and power check up

Step 2: Convergence check up

Step 3: Squint basic assessment

Comprehensive eye checkup for children: Recommended once a year
Step 1: Vision and power checking
Children need special methods to check their vision. Apart from routine adult eyecharts the Children’s OPD has special methods like Cardiff cards etc. to check vision
Step 2: Orthoptics and eye muscles check up
This can detect an obvious or hidden squint (cross eye) which may the cause of eyestrain/ headache/ lazy eye. It can also detect causes of eyestrain such as muscle weakness, accommodation or convergence weakness.

Step 3: Squint complete assessment
There are various equipment to detect squint (cross eye) which helps in decision making.


Step 4: Binocular vision checking
Both eyes together are responsible for 3 D vision. There are equipment to check if this has developed normally or not and this can be treated if detected before the age of 7 years
Step 5: Cornea mapping
Corneal conditions like keratoconus may go undetected unless investigated with special instruments like Orbscan which are highly advanced machines to map the cornea

Step 6: Retina evaluation
Retinal diseases can be detected by complete retina examination


Myopia Control Clinic:

Even 1 dioptre less power of distance vision minus power of glasses (myopia) reduces the risk of myopic maculopathy by 40% and of retinal detachment by 30%. The goal is to treat myopia, not just correct it.

A research-based approach to myopia control
Myopia (near-sightedness) is an eye condition caused by excess growth and stretching at the back of the eye. Conventional eyeglasses and contact lenses can correct blurred vision, yet do not treat the progressive nature of myopia. The higher the myopia, the longer the eye and therefore increased risk for complications that may cause serious irreversible vision loss. The sooner your child’s myopia is managed, the less the risk of developing ocular complications later in life.

Our approach to myopia management
The Myopia Control Clinic at Tirupati Eye Centre provides the latest treatments that can slow or halt the progression of myopia in children. Addressing the child’s myopia as soon as possible may reduce the chance that they will develop sight-threatening complications later in life. Children who develop myopia earlier in life are those who have large amounts of myopia are more likely to need treatment.

  • Comprehensive myopia management services to children and young adults in a welcoming environment
  • The latest diagnostic equipment, including biometry, topography and orthoptics, the necessary tools to evaluate the effectiveness of the myopia treatment, and OCT imaging to evaluate the retina.
  • Computerized topographic testing well as manual testing to determine the best treatment method for your child.
  • Customized treatment plans based on the family history, child’s ocular characteristics, and lifestyle.
  • Treatments methods based on the latest laboratory and clinical research.

Myopia treatments
We offer specialized treatment options that work to slow the eye growth underlying myopia.

  • Orthokeratology (Ortho-K) contact lenses
  • Multizone soft contact lenses. Some of these lenses are FDA approved specifically to control myopia.
  • Low dose Atropine eye drops
  • Specially designed eyeglasses (Miyosmart glasses)

In addition, a child who is at risk of myopia can benefit by spending more time outdoors.  An average of about 2 hours of time outdoors per day has been shown to be an effective way to prevent or slow its progression.

Our research expertise in myopia
Tirupati eye Centre Myopia Control Clinic offers the latest technology to image the eye to determine a customized treatment plan for your child. Our doctors are myopia control experts with nearly two decades of experience and in the forefront of myopia research. The clinicians are regularly called on to present at international symposia on myopia prevention, causes, and treatments. TEC continues to do research in myopia to find out the best method of preventing myopia progression.

Dr. Mohita Sharma in the National expert panel group of All India Ophthalmological society to formulate guidelines for myopia management and control.


Other eye diseases and their treatment:
Eye diseases common to children which may be missed many a times on routine examination and need comprehensive eye checkup include:

  1. Refractive errors
  2. Hyperopia (Farsightedness): It is a condition where a person can see distant objects more clearly than the near objects. Infants and young children are typically somewhat farsighted, but it lessens as the eye grows. Some children can have higher amounts of hyperopia which can cause a constant blurry image in one or both eyes and prevent normal visual development.

    Myopia (Near sightedness): It is a condition where a person can see near objects more clearly than distant objects. Excessive myopia in children can result in the Lazy eye (Amblyopia). Holding objects very close and squinting may indicate significant myopia.

    Astigmatism: Astigmatism is a condition in which the objects at both, distance and near, appear blurred. Astigmatism often occurs with myopia or hyperopia

    Amblyopia: It’s also known as “Lazy Eye”. A condition in which the vision is reduced in an eye due to the misalignment of the eyes (Strabismus). If recognized early, responds to treatment very well but if recognized late, it’s difficult to treat and children may have permanent vision loss.

  3. Muscle weakness (Convergence insufficiency)
  4. Convergence is a phenomenon by which both the eyes come together during reading, many children suffer from convergence insufficiency or muscle wekness. This can be cured by simple exercises to be done on special machines like Synoptophore and RAF rule.

  5. Allergies and infections
  6. Allergies are common in children. They cause itching, redness and watering and can be in the form of follicles or cobblestones on the undersurface of eyelid. They require simple eyedrops to treat them.

    Conjunctivitis: Conjunctivitis, also known as “Pink Eye”. The eye appears pink or red due to the inflammation of the conjunctiva. It can be either viral or bacterial infection or an allergic reaction. When a viral infection is a cause, the child may suffer from Fever, running nose.

    Chalazion: It looks like a small lump on the eyelid. It may occur when a meibomian gland (an oil-secreting gland in the eyelid) becomes clogged. A Chalazion can start out as a poppy seed and grow to the size of a pea. It can occur upper or lower eyelid in one or both the eyes. It often happens more than once.

    Stye: A Stye is an infection of the eyelash follicle, usually caused by bacteria Staphylococcus aureus. A Stye looks like a red, sore lump near the edge of the eyelid. It can cause swelling of the surrounding eyelid and can be quite painful.

  7. Squint (Cross eye)
  8. Squint is a condition which is generally present at birth but manifests a little later in children. It is caused by an imbalance between the muscles of the two eyes. It is often ignored and needs an early treatment after proper evaluation about the type of squint. Treatment can be in the form of exercises or surgery. It is important to treat squint to prevent the development of “lazy eye”

  9. Keratoconus
  10. Keratoconus is an inherent weakness of the outer black portion of cornea of the eye. As per studies it is found in 2.3 % population. However it often goes undetected in routine eye examination.  As the child grows, the cornea goes on thinning and coning. Symptoms may be in the form of frequent change of glasses, high cylindrical powers which are not corrected even with glasses, eye rubbing and fall in vision. Special investigations which map the cornea such as Orbscan are needed to diagnose keratoconus. If diagnosed in time it can be stabilized by specialized treatment called collagen cross linking.

  11. Retinal holes, lattices, and detachment
  12. Myopia (especially high myopia more than 4 Dioptres power) is often associated with retinal holes and weak areas in retina called lattices. These if detected in a comprehensive eye check up can be lasered in time to prevent a serious condition called retinal detachment which can cause blindness.

  13. Cataract
  14. Cataract is the clouding of lens of the eye. It cab be present since birth and  is a condition that is important to detect and treat early in childhood to minimize the impact of vision loss on the child’s development.

  15. Glaucoma
  16. It is a disease resulting in damage to the optic nerve. Elevated pressure is the most common risk factor. Symptoms of childhood glaucoma include-enlarged eyes, cloudiness of the cornea, sensitive to light, excessive tearing.

  17. Retinopathy of prematurity (ROP)
  18. Also known as Retrolental Fibroplasia is a disease of eye affecting pre-maturely born babies. When a baby is born very prematurely, the retina and its blood vessels are not fully developed. Scarring in the retina usually in both the eyes follows this damage and can cause blindness.

  19. Childhood blindness due to Vitamin Deficiency
  20. Vitamin A Deficiency is the leading cause of preventable childhood blindness. Approximately 2.5 lakhs to 5 lakhs malnourished children in the developing world go blind every year due to Vitamin A deficiency. A well-balanced diet and rich in Vitamin A helps to overcome this issue.

  21. Childhood Tearing 
  22. Epiphora is the term for excessive tearing. It is often noted soon after birth but can be acquired later. When noted during infancy, it is usually due to the blockage of the drainage system.

  23. Children Ptosis (Drooping Eyelids)

Ptosis in children is caused by weakness of muscles that elevate the eyelid. A droopy eye can block light passing to the retina in the back of the eye and/or create significant astigmatism that produces a blurry image in the eye. These situations can cause lazy eye, which left untreated can further cause loss of vision.

Team: (Trained in Pediatric ophthalmology)
Dr. Mohita Sharma
Dr. Divyajyoti Arora
Dr. Insha Aftab
Dr Rashi Sharma
Dr. Vibha Singh
Eye Care Practitioner Kavita (Vision therapy and squint expert)
Eye Care Practitioner Priyanka Singh (Vision therapy expert)
Eye Care Practitioner Chayya (Vision therapy expert)
Eye Care Practitioner Dharmendra (Squint expert)

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